Fee Deposit:
If the fee is not paid by the last working day of the month, the name of the ward will be struck off and a Re-admission fee of Rs. 500/- will be payable.
- Fee will be deposited from 1st to 10th of every month. In case of late fee, fine will be charged from 11th to 15th a sum of Rs. 50/- 16th to 20th a sum of Rs. 75/- & Rs. 100/- after 20th of every month. Cheques regarding fee will be accepted from 1st to 7th of every month.
- Cheque Bounce charges will be Rs. 300/-.
- The amount decided by the Council for Registration fee (Class IX) & Board Fee (Class X & XII) will be payable by the parents.
- Eligibility fee & charges for the correction of entries (if any) will be payable by the parents.
- Candidate participating in any of School Function/Activity will be liable to pay amount for costume & other accessories. A prior consent of the parent will be sought for the same.
- Candidate participating in any of the Outdoor event, both at State and National level, the expenditure will be borne by the parents.
- Payment for Educational Excursions, NIE Membership, any of the Aptitude Test or Counselling Session will be borne by the parents.
Conveyance Fee-
- Conveyance fee will be charged according to the distance, and will be decided by
the school management.
- Conveyance fee will be charged for 12 months. Once the decision about availing this
facility has been taken, It cannot be withdrawn until the end of academic session.
Note: Parents/Guardians will indicate their preference for school transportation
at the time of admission.